Friday, June 1, 2012

Lasting Story: Favorite Time of Day

Have you been good about continuing your Lasting Story? Below, you will find suggestions for writing about the above subject.

Suggestions: If you haven't already done so, examine your routine day and select the time of day that stands out above the rest as your favorite. Is it early morning before the day's activities begin, when your mind is fresh? Is it late at night when the chores are done, everyone's tucked in, and you finally have a moment to yourself? Is it at the height of your busy schedule, when you feel you are most accomplished or productive? Is it during a meal when your family is actually gathered in the same place at the same time?

Write about it. Describe its importance to you. Make it an element of your Lasting Story, a small tidbit that adds to the total picture of who you are.

Share the information with your loved ones so they are aware of its importance to you. Remember to ask them about their favorite time of day as well. It will help you gain a greater understanding of who they are.

You may develop your own format for writing about this subject, or you may use the handy MS Word Lasting Story Template that lives within the Heaven's Wait website at It includes guidelines to help you write your stories in a consistent format and file them in an efficient manner.

Visit the Heaven's Wait website for the accumulated Lasting Story Write Guide at:

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1 comment:

  1. My favorite is when the morning sun appears over the hills and that breathe of fresh air consumes me. At that moment I know the grass is being cut on the golf courses, I am still here and I am with you. LU
