Friday, June 8, 2012

Mentors: The Best Teacher I've Ever Had

Suggestions: Write about the teacher/mentor who stands above the rest as a positive influence in your life. Is he/she a person you actually know . . . a schoolteacher, a family member, or someone in your community? Is she someone you've never met . . . the author of a book you love, a public figure, or someone from history?

What is it about this person that has touched your life in a meaningful way . . . the wisdom of her words, or perhaps the example of how she has lived her life? Is it the personal connection you feel with this person, or the kind of energy she exudes?

If at all possible, give your best teacher the accolades he/she deserves for the influence she has had on your life. Send her a thank you note or a copy of the story you will write about this subject. Express your gratitude to this person now, while opportunity is alive for both of you. If that's not possible, think of your own unique way to pay tribute to this person. After all, he/she has helped make you the unique individual you are today.

You may develop your own format for writing about this subject, or you may use the handy MS Word Lasting Story Template that lives within the Heaven's Wait website at It includes guidelines to help you write your stories in a consistent format and file them in an efficient manner.

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