Friday, April 20, 2012

Lasting Story: Favorites…That Feed My Senses

Let's start writing your Lasting Story! Below, you will find suggestions for writing about the above subject. You may develop your own format for writing about this subject, or you may use the handy MS Word Lasting Story Template that lives within the Heaven's Wait website at It includes guidelines to help you write your stories in a consistent format and file them in an efficient manner.

Give your loved ones an initial peek at who you are through the smells or aromas that are most meaningful to you. How do they make you feel? What memories do they bring to mind? What do they mean in the bigger picture of your life?

Sight, sound, taste, smell, touch! The five senses! Have you ever given thought to their relevance in your life? Have you ever shared those thoughts with the important people in your life? Think about the following questions and answer them in the same way you described smells. You just might discover something about yourself that you didn't know. Share your answers with your loved ones. They will likely discover something about you too. If you do not possess all five senses, imagine what your answers would be if you did possess them, or describe how you feel about not having them.

What do you most like to look at?
What are the sounds you most like to hear?
What are your favorite tastes or flavors?
What do you most like to touch?

Visit the Heaven's Wait website for the accumulated Lasting Story Write Guide at:

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