Saturday, May 15, 2010

Okay! I'll Try Blogging!

And so my blog begins. I've often wondered how people find subjects to talk about in a blog and why those topics might be of interest to others. As I learn more and more about people by peering through the windows of the online world, it seems that allowing others to see our humanness is what is most attractive. Our nature as individuals is to seek connections to people and subjects that strike a deep chord with who we are and what we most love.

It makes sense. We all have varying interests, whether we have identified them or not. I finally realized how much I love creative processes. But I didn't fully realize I needed to pursue that love until I was probably 50. Those processes keep me entranced and take me to a zone where my imagination runs free and time evaporates. While some people may question my sanity, considering some of the ideas I come up with, I really don't care. I can do as I please with my ideas. They don't need others' approval, and don't even need to be marketed; they simply need to be unleashed from my head. Whatever happens after that is a bonus. I think we owe it to the world to get our ideas "out there", just in case something beneficial emerges.

Creative journeys intrigue me...the way golf intrigues my husband, world issues intrigue Diane Sawyer, and poetry intrigues Maya Angelou. And now there are so many fabulous ways to share whatever inspires any of us. So I'll try blogging about my creative journeys, and perhaps the things I write about will be meaningful to someone.

1 comment:

  1. Hello and Merry Holidays! Thank you for stopping by my blog with such a nice comment about Sweetie's first chapter - I hope you enjoy the rest as much *smiling*

    And, welcome to BlogLand!
