Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Season's Best!

As the Vowellans of Heaven's Wait celebrate their own other-worldly Hallie-Day, they wish to extend to you and yours the best of the season.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

RJ'S STORY: A Fond Memory

When I started writing about Heaven's Wait, I built the character of RJ based on my dad. Here, he speaks of his "Ma", my grandmother. I wish I had known her. I was only 1 when she passed on.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Happy Saturday! What has HW's Wit Fig Wig learned from the other-worldly wistas?

Here's a snippet from one of my oddball book characters. The Vowellans often surprise me with bits of wisdom.

Wistabite! 2-4-Wit1